Stuck In Transition

 Have you ever been in the space of like transition?   It's like when you kind of outgrown where you were a few months ago but you're not exactly in the next space yet.   I see a lot, I talk a lot, I write a lot and then there's a lot that I don't say.   It's really confidence that I'm building for me to publicly say the things that I know I'm going to be judged heavily for but at the same time needs to be said.   I'm the person that people need and don't necessarily like.   It's very hard for me to be basic and I know that word is all kinds of played out at this point but I don't know any other way to put it.   I can never say it enough how different I am and how my differences makes me well, different.   Along with being different I think the part that I am learning to except is the fact that I'm rare meaning we're all different but not all of us impact anything.   I sort of impact everything.   Over the summer I jumped into doing a radio show with a group of people I didn't really know very well  and I  wasn't happy with the way things were working so I kind of just left.   One of the main reasons was number one I didn't really plan it well with the rest of the tasks that I needed to complete over the summer and number two was that I got bored really easily.   I'm the type of person to try probably anything once but I'm also the person to walk away from a situation when I think I've done the best that I could do or my interest is just not there anymore.  The funniest thing about the situation is that I got a lot of positive, very positive feedback and it was my first time ever being live on air kind of free styling not even knowing how you sound or what you're saying half the time and I know a lot of people who wouldn't have walked away.

 Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you'll have the passion behind it or any of those things.   I am a realist at the end of the day.   I can only continually and happily do things that actually feed my soul.   So here I am stuck in transition.   It's been a struggle for me as far as writing is concerned.   I'm slightly freaking out that my posts for Ashley Tisdale's site is going live soon but it's also made me see my writing career in a new light.   This can actually turn into something major.  Are you all the entrepreneur that you claim you are Tahyira?   I want to believe that I am!  But we're ordinary people and when we look in the mirror and we just see us.   I've been speaking a lot to myself in the mirror lately, literally self reflection.   I think it's necessary when you're in a transitional space.  I'm not really sure, I don't want to go in reverse but I also don't want to going in drive but I know I can't live in neutral.

 During times like these I read a lot. Mostly from people who are where I'm trying to be. I'm always a magazine reader over a book reader honestly but recently I've been reading a lot of entrepreneurial framed, just basic kind of getting your mind right books.  I've actually reread some of the books I started reading when I first began this whole journey.  A lot of talk about managing your time and your money and just staying in a zone of  creative building.   They talk about downtime and blank spaces where a lot of creative people just feel blah. It is normal.  I don't really  have that many friends or peers that live their life this way so in comparison I'm like an alien.   I'm very thankful that the friend that I do have understand despite the fact we're all pursuing different lives.  I'm  thankful for the people that don't know me and support me because they're the ones that hold the power to change your life.    Enough of the thinks because it's not Thanksgiving it's not even November but why do you continually be my therapy to like it or not I'm here forever.

Till your eyes meet my words well!


