Just Trust You

Frustration stems from the most obvious thing I think...its when your determination out shines your resources...obstacles in your way.  I learned alot about getting past situations and learning that you can only deal with what is in front of you the best you know how at the time...you grow and you gain understanding and look back....if you made the correct choices...if maybe you should of done this or that...but the reality is is that you're "looking back"...you've already made it thru the hardest part...Relationships are crazy...its two people coming from different worlds trying to make it together...sometimes it works...most times it doesnt...but its okay...it hurts but you learn...any lessons that you learn the hard way are the lessons that stick...I was in a relationship for five years...trust your intuitions...your gut...and dont listen to any other words than the ones in your head...you know whats best for yourself...
