So Much So Far

Yeah so this managing talent thing is way more fun than I expected it to be but its so easy for me to do and say the things most people cant.  I guess thats my "talent."  To make it in this world you have to do much better than the people that have done it before you.  I do not want to follow any mold, I want to create my own mold...A Tahyira mold...I function different...I put as my Facebook status yesterday...I must except the fact that I am different and that different is a lonely place.  I meant lonely not in terms of relationships or anything like that...lonely in the sense that sometimes I feel like there isn't anyone else that thinks the way I do...and even so if they think it...they simply dont have what it takes.  Sacrificing and working hard comes natural to does not have to be repeated.  I mean you get out of life exactly what you put in...if the going gets tough and you run...then you will always be running...aimlessly running.
