Capture That Dream

In the musical Hairspray, Tracy's dad tells her "you've got to think BIG to be BIG" for whatever reason I never forgot that quote and it pops into my head frequently.  How do you make yourself BIG.  First you have to have faith in yourself and in others.  I've learned to forgive but never to forget.  Life really is whatever you make of it.  Its yours and you own in whichever way you want to.  I meet people everyday online, through my blog, and just in life.  Im one of those people who loves meeting new people.  Very different from wanting to find new friends...just interested to know other people's pasts and what their plans are for their future.  Im always intrigued.  Im greatly inspired by people who are focused and those that have extraordinary goals.  I mean I was that straight A student trying to get a job to be apart of something great but then circumstances and what I call my fate lead me to something extremely and completely different.

I embrace change like its a big hug from the universe.  Not change as the person you are inside that rarely never changes but changes as far as your outlook, your understanding, your exceptance of yourself and things around you.  I seek out inspiration daily.  This is the primary focus and mission of my blog The fashion film and music industry is mulled down to what we see in the press.  However, the motivation behind these crafts are inspiration.  Somebody envisioned a piece of fabric and let their imagination run wild.  Someone experienced something profound, wrote some words and added a melody.  Someone heard a story and figured out how to vividly visually express that story using motion picture.  I also include art though not in the title of the blog.  In reality I consider all of it art.

Bottom line it is so easy to wake up and be discouraged.  To dislike your mood to hate your situation to despise your current disposition.  Much harder in fact to look for inspiration despite all of those things that get you down and make you feel like giving up or giving in. DON'T!

