Keep The Faith Why Dont You

My friend keeps saying "Keep The Faith".  I think he got it from a Styles P track but nevertheless the message "Keep The Faith" can be applied to numerous situations, scenarios, persons, places, and maybe even with things...I live my life this way by keeping the faith.

No matter what happens, I only give myself a personal minimal amount of time to feel sorry for myself or feel bad about any given circumstance.  You have to just keep the faith.  I know people preach via social networks all damn day long and they promote prayers and God and his powers but it means nothing if you yourself, the individual, do not have faith in HIM or in the prayers that you pray.  You have to make things happen for yourself in this life.  I practice this.  I learned it.  It is my way of life.  I was talking to my father and he told me that he kind of always knew I would become this leader, this professional, this person solely and fully set to make their dreams come true by any means necessary.  My question to him was, ugghhhh why the hell didn't you say it to me before?!?  He says before you were still figuring it out, now you know.  You tried the regular way, top grades, good college, but you have to chase the American Dream.  The dream they say is dying, home ownership is a question, and it makes it much harder to plan a future when you've got the tools but they are not working.

They work, you just have to use them appropriately, apply them where they should be, and last but not least DO NOT EVER BE AFRAID TO SHOW THE WORLD WHO AND WHAT YOU ARE.
