The Fork In The Road

I've been thinking a lot lately about paths.  Life paths.  Whose path are you on? Do you make your own path or do you follow one that has been laid before you? I don't know but I know I created my own.  Will my kids feel the need to walk down that path as well? Maybe.  I guess it all boils down to where you come from and where you want to go.  I have also been watching for the 2nd time the full season of CW's Gossip Girl on Netflix (no're DEF missing out) which tells the story of how high school and adulthood is viewed by the rich and powerful in NYC.  Most of the cast attends the same private prep school on the Upper East Side of the city not counting those characters that make appearances solely to interject that exact notion.  Money doesn't necessarily make you happy.  More often it creates more problems then anything else (according the show-- its proven).  The writer and less fortunate financially of the bunch is the character Dan Humphrey.  I kind of like to think of myself this way.  It's like you are where you think you should be but maybe just to tell this story for right now.

Is it possible to fit and not fit in?  I like to think my mind has not caught up to where my life is.  No scratch that my life has not caught up to where my mind is! That sounds way better and more truthful.  Its a constant battle as to who you are and what they hell are you doing with your life at this minute.  It may sound surprising coming from me...a person that has had less time off in the last year then anyone she knows...well mostly everyone...but even I feel this way.  A cross-road.  If there were a fork in the road would you chose the path least taken or the one with all the footsteps?  Without the footsteps how would you know where to walk?  YOU DON'T! You take gigantic leaps of faith everyday and try to stick the landing.  So far I am still alive and loving every moment of it.

Be a professional Tahyira! I will be but my own kind of professional.  What makes me different I ask?


Until next time....stay inspired....
