Its Going Going....GONE

2013 that is of I say adios to another productive year I must reflect.  This year started off great I went to a new country in January (Dominican Republic) and thats always a good start but shortly after I witnessed a great deal of maternal grandfather passed in March and my paternal grandmother pass in February.  They both died in the hospital due to illness.  It was a real reality check in terms of creating and seeking out my own family values.  I realized I didnt really have any.  I mean what could I tell my kids about my grandparents legacy.  I know the stories and I know the jokes but there is no real sense of traditions.  So I made it my business to create real "memories" for myself and for my family.  In the New Year I intend to keep this trend up because believe it or not its the things we miss out on that we yearn are the things we go desperately searching for most times when its already too late.

I hate regrets.

I've seen others live in regret and its painful to watch.  There is really no better time than the present.  I made it my business to rekindle personal relationships.  Time heals almost everything in my opinion, though you may always feel what you felt in the moment--time provides clarity.  Clarity makes you look at yourself and force yourself to admit what you could have done differently.  Maybe at the time you couldn't understand what was going on but as time passes you kind of forget about it and it all seems irrelevant.  I have never been the type of person to hold grudges or even hard feelings.  It does not come natural to me.  There are certain people in your life that do not belong their and you'll know these people.  But there are those that do belong and maybe a situation made you forget that.  True hearts and clear minds never forget and when you are GENUINE it is easy to move past many situations.

I do thank GOD for giving me the wisdom I have at only 26 years old.  I think I am way more mature than many others my age but I also think its because throughout my teenage and young adult days I really tried to learn my lesson the first time around and not the second and third.  I also learned a lot from others.  You can learn from peoples mistakes and it can cause you to avoid a lot of unnecessary drama a lot of us bring on ourselves.  That in my opinion is being wise.  I spread this wisdom because it works for me.  I try to inspire people to be the best they can be because its simply what I do for myself and it works.  My partner told me that I inspire people in way that doesn't make them feel ashamed or like its a competition.  That was really nice of him to say to me and I think its what I needed to hear.

We are all different but we all have the compassion to be good human beings.  Each year you should make yourself a better person; even if it is a small adjustment; even if its only you who notice it.

Change is important.  Be the change you wana see.

Happy New Years to everyone, thank you for the support, and I will continue to inspire every chance I get xoxo
