"I'm jus gonna shake shake shake...." T-Swizzles latest tune plays for the 100th time for the day and again I sing along LOUDLY as if the song is taking me over.  I realized about a week ago it isn't just the catchy pop beats that I naturally am drawn to but the lyrics... In the opening versus she sings about what people say about her.  She is clearly stating that she cannot control what is said but she can control how she responds to what is said...shake it off...let it all go...haters gonna hate...people gonna talk...

Its how I've been feeling since 2011 when I started this blog but more-so much much more these days.  I always post 'IDGAF' and 'WHATEVS' but it is really the only life stance I can hold that doesn't cause my skin to crawl when I look at how we treat one another.  I much rather talk to no one if my only options are to speak to those that are so filled with anger, regret, and turmoil in their young lives that they cant even accept advice, compliments or admiration. The World is not nice.  It is unkind.  We are the ones who made it this way.  Families don't care about one another...friendships barely exist...no one bothers with love anymore...helping strangers well that went out with social media...its a self-World now...what about me? how does it effect me? what do I get out of it?

The individuals that I follow, the ones that inspire me are the people who still have that rarity of selflessness...just living their lives so that others may live more comfortably.  Its never going to be popular. Doing things with positivity is just not the way we are made.  Negativity we get free because its all around us.  You have to teach yourself to think positive...you have to reinforce it in your life daily.  The saying you  lie with dogs and get up with fleas still holds true...you are what you take in...mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Protect yourself.  Invest positivity into your life.

As people we all have problems. We think we are alone because we only get to live in one body.  We are not alone however.  EVERYONE has their share of problems.  We 'celebritize' individuals or place them in positions of power and choice-making then we assume they have it easier than we do when it is proven....heavy lies the crown....to much is given much is expected...Never look for an easier way out because there is none.  Just look for a way you can commit to living, try and fail over and over until you feel confident enough to rest on your laurels so to speak.  You will get there.  I will get there.

Just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimmin'....

Til your eyes meet my words again....xo

