The Freelance Friend

You know we walk out of people's lives just as easily as we entered.  Like you know that one friend you had that you felt the need to always be around.  They provided something that no one in your circle could.  You would talk for hours then chill for hours and then repeat.  I'm talking about the friend that your other friends would be turning their noses up at because no one could seem to grasp how the two of you bonded.  It's usually random and never expected which only adds to the "hype" of it all.  There are things you've told that friend that your life long friends couldn't imagine and vice versa.  You've probably been negatively influenced or just hold a lot of "Why the hell did I do that" memories between the two of you.  I've had "friends" like that.  I quote "friends" in my last sentence because now I'm bringing attention to the word itself.  

Real friends don't fall in and out of love that quickly.  Friends are usually little pieces of ourselves that we find in strangers.  These people we befriend spontaneously are the strangers we find that are much bigger pieces of ourselves so we are drawn in completely.  But, much like other trends these friends do not pass the test of time.  I call them the freelance friend.  You learn a lot growing up and being social.  I've seen liars tell lies, cheaters get caught, and smart people play dumb.  All the World's a stage, a Shakespeare quote that I always reflect on, because it's an accurate description of society.  We are characters.  Some of us actors, some of us realists.  There's a Justin Bieber lyric that goes "7 billion people in the World tryna fit in" and it makes me think of that freelance friend.  They accepted you from the very beginning because it was similar to looking in the mirror.  

We're living in a society full of broken mirrors.  It is being coined the "popularity era" where everyone is fighting for relevancy.  Social media is the pilot and we're all strapped in for the entire flight.  Now not taking away the many many manyyy plus benefits of the Internet and the changing social climate but we are teetering a dangerous line.  We have to raise the future by a better standard as they are in fact the FUTURE.  Have we gone too far? Do we live in a World where individuals don't care about the type of attention they receive as long as they are trending?  


Until next well

Tahyira xoxo
