Annoying Things Best Friend Couples Deal With

When you're one half of a couple, there is a lot that is bestowed upon you.  You suddenly become this 411 operator for your significant other.  You should always know how they are doing.  You become a mind reader.  You become a 'yall' or a 'them'.  You are no longer just yourself.  
If you are seen out together, everyone is watching how you interact.  You're not clingy to one another so people assume that there is a rift between you two.  You get the "OMG, what happened?' reaction and you're always just caught off guard like "Umm, no we're great actually..." then stop to rethink what they might have saw to make them assume something was wrong.  You shrug off a lot of comments people make about how you and your significant other interact.  You've considered publicly calling it quits just so that you can keep your relationship in private.  
When you're asked, oh where is _____? And you're response is "I haven't got the slightest clue" the reaction is usually a jaw drop. The follow up question is normally, "Is everything ok between you all?".  You want to just walk away but you know that will only increase suspicion.
When you go to dinner, it is important for others to know who is going to cover the meal.  They watch to see if the bill will be split amongst the two of you and if it is  covered by one of you, well they assume this is a final meal kind of date and the paying party is the one doing the dumping.  
The friends that knew you when you were only just friends think they have some kind of interest in your relationship.  You will see these friends asking more prying questions than the average friend.  Because they were there before the beginning, they think they can offer some insight, which more than likely is not the case.
People think because they told one of you about something, the other is supposed to be kept up to the same speed.  It is not the case, more times than not, the couple still operates as individuals in certain regards and they'd like to be invited themselves.  These relationships having deeper bonds that cannot be broken due to frivolous things such as going out on your own, having separate friends, and not necessarily being invited everywhere the other person is going.  
Time spent apart like vacations and attending family events always strikes up suspicion of a split as well.  In normal relationships, not attending or being included is a deal breaker, but with best friend couples you actually prefer to let each other live and then have something to talk about.  
The thing about this relationship is that trust and respect go way further in friendship so when they become lovers, the expectation of being hurt by the other is almost non-existent.  It is one of the most annoying relationships to be in with everyone constantly wondering about your relationship status but don't we all want to date a person we consider our best friend?
