It Was All A Dream Meets If I Had A Dream

This is the beginning. Blank pages are like brand new notebooks. Even the dubious of students can appreciate the cleanliness of a blank notebook. The challenge is filling it up. Ideas make good notes, goals make even better ones, and strategies--well lets just say thats the golden star and everyone loves a gold star. Dr. King and Biggie have things in common in my World. They were both writers, murdered for what they wrote and spoke aloud. For a woman like me its true inspiration. I know, death and murder, really Tahyira? YES. If you stand by any cause then you have to be willingly to go down fighting for it. You have to be gut-sy and take risks in life if you want to make real change and be continually impactful. I strive to leave an impact.

I normally write an end of the year post but I couldn't quite complete it last year lol. I'm hyped for 2017 however. A little somber about January 20th- if you're reading outside of these United States just google that date and keep us in your thoughts. What I learned after November was that the true test of one's strength is not how you deal with the possible but how quickly you are able to balance yourself when the impossible happens. "Nothing is impossible" is truer than true this year. With it a new wave of strength set in within my heart and mind. You can literally like L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y change where you are in your life. In 2015 I had less than $1,000 bucks to my whole name, to my whole life actually businesses included. I was at home, stuck in a crappy relationship, and was slowly drowning. Friends and family that I would normally turn too just were not around. I find solace in solitude as most do. I took steps that lead me to a happier place right now.

The more times I hit a low and bounce back-- usually stronger than the previous low-- I get so inspired. I think we are here to help each other. My words and actions are powerful. I opt to share my life experiences to enhance others. Some of us are looking for direction while others are willingly to draw a path or at least share their journey. Leaders come in all flavors. Remember, what ever energy you put out into the World is most likely the energy the World will throw back at you. No matter how low I've ever felt I still always hoped my situation would turn around for the better. I watched my mother transform in 2016 after dealing with a very personal struggle. She is the one who taught me about energies and spirituality.

Ahhh 2017, born in 1987 so that makes thirty. Let's see where this year takes me.

I hope it takes you wherever it is you need to be........HAPPY NEW YEAR !



