Thoughts On The Grind

I don't track my progress against the calendar really, I do use it to keep my goals on a timeline. It took me 5 years to move from one state to another and it's still a struggle BUT I'm not where I used to be so I'm clearly closer to where I'm supposed to be. It's easier for me to put myself out there in 2017 simply because I've been in this struggle for a long time. I am no longer a scared little rookie. My attitude towards my future has turned from hungry to starving. It keeps me up at night. I'm distracted from a lot of what's going on in the current World. I was shaken by what happened in #Manchester last week. I've lived through Sept 11, it means I only understand it more. It puts everything you do for that still moment into a new perspective. It's like wait hold up, what am I trying to do here? There are way bigger more important issues that need attention. I went from starving for my dreams to feeling miserable for having dreams in one day. My motivation comes mainly from my human interactions and outlook on the World as a whole. I am literally a people person. Don't confuse that and assume that I need to be around people to be inspired. It's more of a emotional string issue. I am more creative when my heart's in it and my heart's favorite place to be is in helping others. I realized a while ago trying to be a positive person or a "light" for a lack of a better word wasn't going to be easy. So many people who I've run into tell me wow, your energy is something different, they've said I brighten up rooms.

People can see you but by having a strong presence also provides you the ability to change. You go through your experiences not just for your own lessons but to share experiences. I think its one of the things that keeps people alive. You ever hear or know a person who felt like their life was completely over and then they meet someone most times a lover but it doesn't have to always involve sex per-say and then suddenly they're back in the game. It's the beauty of transformation and the process of reinventing ourselves. Every time something happens within the forces that I can't control like terror acts, I try to reinvent my purpose. This is what keeps me elevated.

The choices aren't limited but your mind can be. We have to continue to expand. We just cannot give up. Even when you're at the top you will still be faced with tribulations, tis' life! I create to entertain, I create to build platforms to help other entertainers, and I create because I have fire inside my heart. I read a quote last month and it stuck for like a week, it goes "the heart will always need art". A beyond powerful statement to say the least. I am weird as fuck, so I put that in my brand. I am educated so I'll use that too. Teachers tried to box me in, employers have exploited me, and White racists in my country make it harder for my kind to prosper through this fucked up system. I really don't care about any of it. I think honestly, it was the match that lit that fire, and oh baby trust me IT'S LIT.

On June 19th, I am launching a new social consciousness site #HASHTAGGETACLUE because I tried to share my voice on other blogs but never really found a home for my words. The writers are ready and so am I. I hope you join me there for some deep mind fucking conversations.

Until your eyes meet my words again.....



