Dear Covid-19,

I know, they knew you were on your way to our World.  You've been here for a while already.  I guess the real point here is to understand all the different versions of 'WHY'.  I wanted to write this letter to you today to free up some space inside of my soul.  It's been feeling type cold, as you can imagine, the news of all the older generation dying off in mass numbers.  I have old people in my life and though none of them have been hurt, I hold my breathe for the yet.  What's yet to come? Everyday this past week I have looped a recording of Psalm 91.  It starts, he who dwells in the secret place of the most high God, will be protected under the shadow of the Almighty.  We’re in hiding.  A sacred kind of hiding place however and if you’re not spiritually inclined you will not find it.  I think you’re hear to teach humanity through sickness, death, and loss.  It prompted me to make a list of all the aspects of human life that varies versus the ones that remain consistent.  MONEY itself is losing its overall value, you have made the richest of the rich run for the hills.  The bear market only affects a small portion of people.  But it has a tremendous affect on how the bigger portion of people can survive.  In America, we found new levels of privilege with your arrival.  Those that are "essential" workers have found themselves at the front line of the this battle but, they are working for a paycheck.  The "non-essential" crew are 3 weeks deep in U.I. benefits where states like New York has reported over 7 million claims.  Are we really all in this together? Probably.  Everyone is adjusting to a new normal. 

Today is Good Friday.  The day Jesus was crucified on the cross.  I feel like the real lessons being taught are all spiritual.  It's hard to make sense of anything because of the rapid pace of information.  I wanted to reach out and breath a little however. 

My company has launched a Dear Covid-19 section to mark history.  Please share your Coronavirus story with us here :
